Developing the teacher’s Toolkit learning pedagogical approaches based on digital technologies
This WP is leaded by European Partner University Martin Luther in HALLE. The aim is to enhance competencies on modern pedagogical approaches based on virtual reality that empower students to use selected digital technologies. The teacher’s Toolkit in PA language and teaching material will be prepared in study circles. It will be presented and shared among partners.
The aim of this toolkit is the development, testing and comparison of innovative teaching resources in order to widen the knowledge and improve the skills of educators and professionals in the field of healthcare (esp.
nursing) in Kosovo. The toolkit seeks to facilitate the integration of digital (assistive) technologies in health educational programs at higher education institutions (HEIs) and wants to support the development of
transformative and entrepreneurial mindsets of learners.
Under this task, there have been held several online meetings, in order to finalize the teacher’s toolkit. This
document has been presented to all partners in final form.
Developing the teacher’s Toolkit learning pedagogical approaches based on digital technologies
The aim this task is to develop competence of PA university teachers and professionals to empower themselves and subsequently their students for using technologies in the learning and research More specifically, respective
teachers will master new pedagogical aspects related to interdisciplinary collaboration, ICT & Digital competence, Augmented virtual reality teaching methods, Innovation and entrepreneurship, Evidence-informed
practice, User-involvement and person-centeredness pertinent to the area of allied health/rehabilitation. UNIVATIONS are responsible for this task. Under this, all partners have held online about “Developing teachers’ competences to empower them for using digital technologies in teaching & research”.
Providing the teacher's training on pedagogical approaches based on digital technologies (training the trainers)
Study visit at MLU Halle November 2021
The study visit at Martin Luther University in Halle, was realized on November 2021, in person. The partners from MLU prepared and host this online study visit. The program was based on the WP3 Teachers training.
During five days training, there was presented: EntreComp & Raising Awareness for wide understanding of Entrepreneurship; Developing teachers’ competences to empower them for using digital technologies in teaching & research; Status quo and pre-knowledge of digital assistive technologies in healthcare – Inter professional Prospective and Inter professional Learning; Knowledge Building of digital assistive technologies in healthcare Introduction DigiCare & DigiVid, Inclusion of digital Competences in the Curricula; Activation and implementation for the use of digital assistive technologies in healthcare; Working time to prepare module integration on digital competences Activation and implementation for the use of digital assistive technologies in healthcare; Developing teachers’ competences to empower them for using digital technologies in teaching & research;
Post reflective meeting MLU
November 2021
After the study visit at MLU Halle, German partners have organized the post reflective workshop, online in order to see the Kosovo partner’s reflection about the digital and entrepreneurial competences developed during the Halle visit. It was presented a plan in raising the awareness about EE, Operationalizing EntreComp and Elevator Pitch; Select relevant competences, identify existing EE elements, barriers and opportunities; Reflect on relevant competences and modules.
Providing the teacher's training on pedagogical approaches based on digital technologies (“transfer control”)
Next workshop under the WP3, point 3.3 has been organized in Prishtina, in person and online about the Assessment of digital competences for teachers using DigCompEdu Self-reflection tool; Introduction to the pedagogical Learning Concept: Transformative Teaching; Application of Entrepreneurship Education (EE) Modules – How to embed EE content from SIAHDPC into context of Teaching at Heimerer Leading partner has presented Entrecomp Framework and curriculum review & Entrecomp mapping. During the five days training, Kosovo partners have to review existing modules and their contents vs the EntreComp and Identifying areas of modification within the existing relevant modules.
Developing the Roadmap (Guideline) for the development of virtual therapy, remote and tele-health services
During the Teachers training in Prishtina, in day 3, MLU partners presented about Lab based teaching – theory and applications and Examples of tele-health service for Cancer Sports-Therapy AND/OR Heart Failure Management On day 4 and 5, UNIVATIONS presented “Rendering Entrepreneurship-Education-Module-Implementation by Kosovo HEI partners followed by transposing potential improvement options” and Presentation Overview of useful Open Access Erasmus+ Projects. Application of tele-health services perspective was presented by Kosovar partner/ Klinika Digitale