Online study visit at Metropolia, April 2021
Leading by Metropolia University, instead of participating in person at Metropolia study visit, due to pandemic situation, this visit was organized in online. Designing the business plan of the SIAHDPC based on the key concepts, including: Person-involvement, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary, service design and (distance) co-creation. All partners were presenting in online mode, while the professors from Metropolia were facilitating in co creation how to design the business plan for SIAHDPC based on key concepts; preparing usability and effect assessment of the centre for learning purposes and the usability and effect assessment of tele Health and eRehabilitation services for learning purposes.
Designing the business plan of the SIAHDPC based on the key concepts, including: Person- involvement, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary, service design and (distance) co-creation.
The business plan will include also the learning plan for Life-Long-Learning. EU partners will facilitate and coach Kosovan partners in co-creation Metropolia University is responsible for this task.
It was created a draft plan and the work on this will continue in the future. There have been held several online
workshops 30/06/2021 ;10/09/2021; 29/09/2021 and 18/01/2022with all partners in order to construct the
Business Plan of the Digital Center.
Establishing the digital platform of the Virtual Clinic
In order to establish the Digital Platform, all consortium partners will co-define the structure and Terms of reference (TOR), in terms of the architecture and main content areas of the Platform based on usability
factors of the target groups.
There were held meetings between Kosovo partners to gather requirements how to functionalize the platform. Kosovan partners will co-create the main structure, identify and personalize main target groups and purposes. Co- creation is facilitated and coached by EU partners. To facilitate the collaboration between partners, a co-creation workshop will be held in Helsinki.
During the online workshop on 07/10/2021 about the Project TOR, Metropolia partners showed how this
is regulated there “TOR for a Healthcare Service in an Educational surrounding: One story from
Metropolia´s HyMy-Village”.