Student-run Interdisciplinary
Allied Health Digital practice centre
As a joint international project, it addresses the relevant thematic national priorities in multiple direct, innovative and sustainable ways.
The project contributes to improving management
and operation of Higher Education Institutions in terms of developing additional capacities for research, entrepreneurship, and innovation, excluding research activities, aims to develop evidence-informed practice competences through training and learning materials
for the Kosovo HEI staff and students, primarily.
The project contributes to the development and updating the relevant curricula in health with
interdisciplinarity as the central point.
Student-run interdisciplinary allied health digital practice centre (SIAHDPC) is
an Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education project, led by University
Heimerer College in Prishtina. The aim of this Project is to enhance the virtual
and mixed reality practice-oriented education in allied health sciences through
lifelong-learning (LLL), in line with the Bologna process and in collaboration
with rehabilitation/health providers, ministries and national industry. The
consortium is made of 11 partners from Kosovo, Finland and Germany.
The project has 11 national and international partners:


Collaboration with EU partners in the project is necessary in order to build the capacities of Kosovar partners in digitalization in social and health care.
Currently, Kosovar partners lack the digital tools and the competences to facilitate the use of digitalization in social and health care education and in the digital health services offered. Through the knowledge from EU HEIs, Kosovar partners gain information on Life Long Learning (LLL) approaches, where digitalization plays a major role. The integration of LLL
ideology through digitalization provides a shift in current Kosovar pedagogy to support the development of social and health care education to EU-standards. EU partners also bring insights for students to be independent learners rather than recipients of knowledge.
Kosovar partners gain international, dialogue-based and entrepreneurial outlook on their profession through the shift to modern pedagogies learnt in
study visits in the EU HEIs, also enhancing students’ motivation towards their studies and future profession.
Target groups
Targeted groups are:
Kosovo HEIs delivering health/rehabilitation education;
o Kosovo HEIs staff, and professionals in Kosovo; and
o Kosovo students developing clinical skills and other competencies of clinical
relevance and delivering tele and remote allied and virtual therapy services in
Based on the action plan.
This project aims to establish and operate a:
Establish and operate a student-run interdisciplinary allied health digital practice
centre, including its Virtual Clinic for simulated piloting.
● To co-create a Teacher’s Digital Toolkit on modern pedagogical approaches based
on digital technologies for virtual and mixed reality-based teaching competence of
Kosovo HEIs teachers and clinical supervisors by implementing a top-up LLL (Life-
Long-Learning) training.
● Co-create a Roadmap (Guideline) for the designation and delivery of eHealth and e-
Rehabilitation service;
● Investigate and share best practice of Interdisciplinary collaboration, ICT & Digital
Competence, Evidence-informed practice, Innovation and entrepreneurship,
Evidence-informed practice, User-involvement, and person-centeredness
● Update 6 existing CPD (Continuous Professional Development) courses in
Innovation and entrepreneurship, ICT & Digital, interdisciplinary collaboration,
user-involvement and person-centeredness, and co-create 3 CPD courses on
interdisciplinary collaboration, evidence-informed practice, and user-involvement
and person-centeredness;
● Advance the work of the recently established knowledge “triangles” (Advisory
Industry Board and Joint Venture Group) in health sciences comprising of
representative from industry, academia and government in Kosovo
● To establish EU and Kosovo network for collaboration and mobility of staff for
developing LLL in rehabilitation/health services supporting each other in developing
and implementation of the
Stay connected with Human Health
The implementation of this project will be conducted through networks, workshops, study visits, regional study circles, reflective seminars, and pilots, where the context-bound, knowledge sharing, and practice-based learning will occur. The main target groups are the Higher Education Institutions delivering rehabilitation/health education and the staff and students delivering digital rehabilitation/health services. This project meets the challenges by establishing a interdisciplinary, innovation and entrepreneurship conducive student-run allied health digital practice center, 9 CPD professional courses, new pedagogical approaches, and triangle of cooperation between relevant stakeholders. SIAHDPC Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union